"In The Meadow We can Build a Snowman. . ."

. . .And we can call her Lindsey Vonn. . .

So the Olympics may be influencing our kiddos.

What is this?  That is what many people in the Portland area are saying right now.  You see, here in the Clackamas/ Willamette Valley by the time the middle of February, people are turning over the gardens and if they are really ambitious, starting early cold weather crops.  By Mid February spring has sprung my friends.  My neighbor had daffodils blooming.

And then this started happening!

 Do you see the look of confusion!

 I think this is a huddle to figure out how to handle all this.

 This was the only brave chicken.  "Can I eat it?"

 This is Starlight, he is not amused by the snow.

By morning this is what we woke up to!  Yipee!!!  This is happy winter weather.  Much nicer than grey and wet.

 We call this our Narnia Lampost.

 Remember Starlight?  He is still not amused!

Oreo, however. . .
 OH BOY!!  OH BOY!!! OH BOY!!!!

 These are the brave ones, they didn't go much farther than this.

The sheep were much more curious about the snow.  They kept trying to eat it.

I love this picture!  Kiku looks like she is sticking her tongue out  at the snow!
 "This stuff tastes Terrible!"

We did have some carnage from the snow.  This was the mesh cage around the blueberries.  Bent poles, ripped netting. . . That will be a project for when the snow melts.

This is what winter should look like folks!

Katie liked how the water froze coming out of the drain pipe.

She also liked the icicles! 

Here are a few other things that have been happening here.
 This guy doesn't have a name yet, but he is the first thing that I have made out of yarn that I spun.  Anne spun the yarn for the sweater.

 Megan and I stayed home while the rest of the family went snowshoeing.  Megan came up with the idea for this cake and had a wonderful time decorating it.

And then this is my super high tech  hay feeding system for the sheep.  We have a nice big trough for the sheep and we can put an entire bale of orchard grass in it.  However, the barn roof leaks right over the trough!  So until we can get the roof fixed, we are going with the super hi tech dollar store laundry basket turned hay feeder.  Bungee corded to the wall of course!

Have fun playing in the snow!


  1. Thanks for sharing!! Beautiful pics of the snow!! Love your teddy bear, it was neat to see you start it in Seaside. Love the sheep and Megan’s creative cake (all of a sudden s’mores craving)❤️


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