What does school look like for us?
That is a question that has come up quite a bit on home school blogs and forums that I have visited on line. Some people spend thousands to transform their homes into school friendly environment, and others make do with the couch and a pile of books. Some stick to a rigid schedule and others are completely free spirits which go where the wind blows them.
We fall somewhere in the middle. We did transform my craft area/library into the school area, we covered one of the sliding glass doors with paper and it is our bulletin board, we hung a map on the wall and hung up time line cards that covered American history around the perimeter of the ceiling. At the dollar store I found day and month cards and we put up a white board.
Some days we are dressed and ready for the day when we start school, and some days we are still in our PJ's. We usually do school 3 days a week, meet with a home school group one day, and go to Bible study for another. And then there are times when we just take the whole week of to make applesauce and dried apples and make grape juice and jelly from the last of the garden bounty. This year we are embracing the freedom that homeschooling gives us. We work hard, but that also allows us the freedom to play and change up what school looks like.
So Here are some pictures of what School looks like for us:
Megan cutting out her "testines".
All three girls painting a picture showing what they have learned about George Washington.
Katie using our paper airplane pointer to play "pilot" and fly around the country identifying states and their capitals.
Katie and her friend Kalie at the library home school program. They are learning world geography and this day they were making "noodle heads" to go with the tall tales they had heard from Germany.
Anne and her first attempt at drawing the United States freehand.
And Katie's best try. She even tried to show all the states!
In science we are learning anatomy for the first quarter and then we will move to some chemistry and then talk about Creation vs. Evolution.
That is a question that has come up quite a bit on home school blogs and forums that I have visited on line. Some people spend thousands to transform their homes into school friendly environment, and others make do with the couch and a pile of books. Some stick to a rigid schedule and others are completely free spirits which go where the wind blows them.
We fall somewhere in the middle. We did transform my craft area/library into the school area, we covered one of the sliding glass doors with paper and it is our bulletin board, we hung a map on the wall and hung up time line cards that covered American history around the perimeter of the ceiling. At the dollar store I found day and month cards and we put up a white board.
Some days we are dressed and ready for the day when we start school, and some days we are still in our PJ's. We usually do school 3 days a week, meet with a home school group one day, and go to Bible study for another. And then there are times when we just take the whole week of to make applesauce and dried apples and make grape juice and jelly from the last of the garden bounty. This year we are embracing the freedom that homeschooling gives us. We work hard, but that also allows us the freedom to play and change up what school looks like.
So Here are some pictures of what School looks like for us:
Here the girls are coloring and cutting out their lungs. At the beginning of the year we traced their bodies and each week we learned about a different system and part of the body. By Thanksgiving we had completed the body and had a great time learning!
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