It's looking very festive around the house right now. While I write this, part of my brain needs to stay focused on the gingersnap cookies that are in the oven. I am notorious for trying to multitask while making cookies. This usually ends up with the last pan of cookies burning. Since I am only on the second pan, I should be ok.
The kids decorating skills have improved greatly since last year.
(Be back in a minute, need to check the cookies. . .) Ok, still good.
Remember this guy, in the last post declared that shirts are not manly. Well, his tune has changed in the past week. Now he only wants to wear button down, collared shirts! This kids fashion choices are going to give me whip lash.
Truffles waiting to be dipped. I wouldn't be surprised if while the are sitting on the counter, one or two, or ten disappear.
We sliced this cookie six ways for desert last night, and we all still had a sugar high!
We certainly did have a sugar high!!-Anne and Megan