Last week we went to Martin's tree farm in Boring. I don't know about you, but in our family picking a tree is a several hour ordeal, involving several hikes around the tree farm to find "Just the Right Tree".

Ryan, along for the ride. He was
OK with what ever tree we found.

Daddy and Megan. Megan walked for the first hike around the farm, and then got tired and had to be carried. She was so excited to get a "twee".

Katie, love that smile! She wanted the biggest tree on the farm, didn't matter that we only have 8 ft ceilings.

Beautiful Anne.

In a few years Daddy will have help cutting down the tree. For now the girls were having fun dividing up the area to play house.

But they were all ready and willing to help carry the tree back up the hill to the car.

Ryan getting his first lesson in
Christmas tree stands. He loves to figure things out and try them himself. He is turning into such a big boy, so fast. Too fast for mommy.
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