Where have we been the past Month?

Poor Anne, sick on the couch for two days with a fever of 102.  All the kids got it. . .Then so did Phil.
What have we been up to?  We have been SICK!!!!!!!
It started at the end of February, with the kids all coming down with a soar throat cold thing.  Then Phil got a sinus infection for two weeks.  He could not get over it, he went into the doctor twice for two different types of antibiotics, and then was told, well it must be a virus-- go home and rest.  It did not go away.  Then he got and ear infection on top of it.  Went in to see another Dr. who ran every test under the sun and found that Phil had mono!  Spoor, for the last month Phil has been recovering from Mono.  Then the kids came down with Bronchitis and high fevers and ear infections.  I took Katie in and the Dr. gave me antibiotics for all the kids!  Because of the Mono, Phil has no immune system and so he had to get Bronchitis too!  So here we are 1 month later and the kids are healthy and Phil is finally starting to feel like he is getting back on his feet!  Just in time for Easter.  Now we need to stay healthy because in May we are flying to Connecticut to go to Emilie's graduation from College.

No, mom has not gotten sick.  She can't.  Haven't you read the fine print in the contract when you become a mother?
