Backyard Burn

Backyard Burn

Last year we started what seems to be a new tradition around here.  We had seemed to have collected dead Christmas trees under our deck.  So we decided that when backyard burn opened up we would burn them.  We had smores and the whole bit.  Well, Christmas came and went again and we had another tree under our porch.  We decided against collecting them for years again.  So we had another burn.  This winter we had several large limbs come down and an old fence that we had taken down last summer.  So the kids and Phil worked together to remove all the nails and screws from the fence and we piled it all up and burned it!

My tulip did not like the heat so close, but forgave me the next day and sprang back to normal.

removing nails and screws

Ryan and the new big hammer

Soooo proud of himself

this is what happened to the old hammer

it just couldn't hack it

Anne and Katie tend the fire after it had burned down some

And time for the smores!!!!

And some pictures from the garden. . .I love to go out side in the spring, the flowers are gorgeous!

some bluebells

I love these tulips, they came in the load of soil.  Such a nice surprise the next spring to have these pop up!
Now if the ground would dry up we could plant some veggies!
