One of the most memorable events of this past summer was ART DAY!!
We invited 20 kiddos over, bought 5 gallons of tempera paint, fly swatters, balls of different sizes and textures, water balloons, cement mix, stones, gems, shells, large pieces of paper, large sheets of plastic. . . We warned the neighbors. . .
ART DAY 2012
We started off the day with making stepping stones. . .
Then the kids broke up into groups of 5 or 6 and rotated through 5 stations. |
And then the paint began to fly! |
Each mom manned (womaned?) a station. I warned them that they would get as messy as the kids! |
We had paint in our hair, paint in the grass, paint on our house, and oops! paint on the neighbors shed. |
Hannah, you are much too clean for this party!
This is the station where they had to create a picture using only circles. |
There was also face painting, and spray dying -this is where the house got painted green! (It came off with Mr. Clean Magic eraser) |
Water balloons with paint and poked with a pin made for some wonderful abstract painting. |
Most of the crew involved. I couldn't get the moms in a picture. |
Isn't she just too cute! |
Some butterfly girls at the end of a fun day.
This was so much fun! We might make it an annual event. See you next year!
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