I can handle throw up. Just not at 2 am. So why is it that I am forced to deal with it at that time. Poor Ryan has had some kind of stomach bug that has given him really bad diarrhea and then last night (or rather early this morning he threw up). So Phil and I are up at 2 am cleaning up carpets (good thing I just bought more carpet cleaner) stripping sheets off beds, consoling a tired little boy that doesn't feel good and trying not to snap at each other. Fast forward several hours to time to wake up and get the older two to their homeschool group. I don't want to move Ryan so a friend picked them up. Still feeling groggy and switching out the laundry for poopy sheets (diarrhea returned), I look out the kitchen window and see this. . .
See all the mud and weeds and dead flower stalks in the back ground --that is my morning. The Daffodil in the foreground that is poised to open as soon as the sun comes out? That is God's grace. Through it all there is hope, there is grace, and there is blessing even though you are in the middle of the muddy garden in the background.
In other news that has nothing to do with body fluids. Anne is learning to use the sewing machine. The girls are always pestering me to let them make something. The problem is, they always want to make something totally unrealistic--like a prom dress for their American girl dolls! So Anne is digging away in the scrap bag and says she wants to make something. I recently opened a pinterest account (that's a whole nother story) and have notices that Owls are big right now. So I drew a sketch for Anne and said do you want to make a stuffed owl. She said yes and set to work designing a pattern and selecting fabric. Then we pinned it up and set her loose on the sewing machine. She was really nervous setting out-she was afraid of sewing over her fingers, or mine as I helped her guide the fabric through tricky areas. By the end she was so much more comfortable with the machine and I was so proud of her. So here is "Owletta":
Isn't she cute! I love watching the kids be creative and successful in their ventures!
So pinterest, I am not going to get into it, but I have run across so many wonderful ideas. My most recent find is a blog called All things with purpose. In it she shares about making reusable paper towels.
This speaks to me as I love to re-use. In the video she says that she makes the towels large because in her family they make big messes. YES! In our house if someone needs paper towels, it is because there is a big mess! I really am not a big fan of the select a size towels, so I was not really happy when Costco changed the Kirkland paper towels to select a size. So long story short, I am going to be making theses reusable towels from our ratty old bath towels, that are really ratty and frayed on the edges, but the main part is still fine. Then I am going to need to by new bath towels, whoo hoo! (Small things thrill me!) I think that I will still need to have a stash of the disposable paper towels on hand, but hopefully these will fit the bill well. I will let you know how it goes!
Well the dryer just finished, so I am off to re-make Ryan's bed for the third time in less than 12 hours!
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