It seems a lot longer than just a week since the Portland area was "buried" in snow.  7 inches in an area where they have no way to remove or deal with snow is buried for all intents and purposes.  Well, the snow is now gone--torrential down pours for 4 day will do that.  However they are predicting snow again for Thursday.  As much as I hope they are right, I am not holding my breath!  So we will look back on our pictures and remember how much fun we had!

This is Megan--she doesn't like the cold.  Day one, she lasted 30 seconds before she said "I'm cold can I go inside and have hot cider?"

 The computer and I are not getting along at the moment, so I will add my comments here.  I wish I could make the pictures bigger, but this lovely piece of technological wonder will not let me. (I have issues with computers)  Anne is the polar opposite of Megan.  She spent 2 hours playing in the snow on day one and 5 hours on day 2.  She LOVES the snow.

 This is Anne and Ryan, she it teaching him how to make snow angels.  Again this is day one of the snow.  We never know how long it is really going to last, so we play in it whether there is a dusting or feet.

 I love this picture of Katie, the snow was so fine and dry it was almost impossible to make anything out of it, but they tried.  Katie is tasting it.  Mmmm pretty good!

 This is the snowman that Ryan and I made on day one,  it stood approx. 6 inches high, later we added tentacle, because Ryan wanted a Monster snowman.

 Love those pink cheeks!  Happy boy after several hours playing in the cold and snow.

 This daffodil came up several months too early.  Bummer!

 Pretty berries--looks like a Christmas picture.

 On day three, Phil took the kids and pulled them around on a sled.  He would stand in one place and spin them on the disk until they fell over!  They loved it.

 By day three Megan stayed out in the snow for almost a full hour and then later went out snowshoeing!
 Anne, Katie and Daddy built a snowlady (the green is her pigtails)

Ha!  I finally figured out how to make the rest of the pictures large!  I will have victory over this machine yet.  Did I say that my Husband thinks I have issues with technology?


