Balm to a Mother's soul

If you have kids, you are familiar with this situation.

 It is first thing in the morning, and the kiddos wake up ready to kill each other.  They are bickering over EVERYTHING!!!  And honestly, all you want them to do is stop, you don't care how or why, but you want them to stop.  Not great parenting technique, but you are tired and not really yet ready to tackle squabbling children at 7:30 in the morning. 

You so badly want to say some thing wise and impactful, but there is nothing there.  So what do you do?  You turn on the computer and set it to play the memory verse songs, and go get in the shower. On a side note, one of the songs recites where the Bible exhorts parents to impress the word of God on their children.  I got in the shower because I was certainly ready to impress something on them, and it wasn't the word of God!

After the shower, the kids are not fighting, not tattling, not really getting along either, but it isn't that noise anymore.  My son comes in the bathroom where I am getting ready for the day and feeling a bit calmer, and he says "Thanks for turning on the lovely music, mom.  It is about Jesus and I like that."

And that quickly, God whispered into my soul.  "You did good, Kid.  I know you can't do this on your own.  I know you are tired.  You did good.  I'll take it from here.  You opened my word to them, I'll take it to their hearts."  God loves my children WAY more than me.  I want to be that mom that always says the right thing, reacts the right way, challenges and stretches and always likes her children.  But, I am not.  I am a flawed sinful mother.  I learned something today.  God's word is powerful.  The verses in the songs were not even related to sibling battles, but the word of God touches hearts.  It touched my son's heart and changed attitudes.  It was God telling me, "Use MY word, when you don't have the words.  Let me talk to them.  Let me take it from here."

And, in case you are curious, the memory album is called Seeds Family worship.  Good stuff!
We are a flawed family, working daily to love and forgive.  We just try to be real here folks!


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