Lazy Days of Summer

Well, at least some around here are enjoying the lazy days of summer!
So here is our summer in review. . . (I can't believe school starts in three weeks!)

This is one of my babies.  The two boys from Panther's litter were supposed to go to the neighbors, but long story short. . .it didn't work out and so they are back home.  This is Shadow, his twin brother is Comet.  They are my babies.

 Anne had several parts in the Ballet of Sleeping Beauty.
 These two hens were hilarious as they both went broody in the same box at the same time.  They shared 6 eggs between them.  I don't think they knew whose were whose.  When one would get up to eat, the other would scoop the eggs under her.  That hen would return to the nest, look confused, and dive under the other hen to retrieve her stolen eggs.  They did this every day for 21 days.   I was sure that none of the eggs were going to hatch. . .
 but low and behold, it worked.  I was so surprised!  My loving husband responded to me. . .it has been working like this since the beginning of time, why are you so surprised?
Well, as it turns out, they are not the best mothers.  5 of the 6 eggs hatched, but only two survived.
 The kittens love exploring the garden.
 They try to help as best they can.
 Lots of new things to discover. . . like sunflowers.
 Here are the proud mothers taking their babies for an adventure in the barn yard.
 Ryan and a buddy thinking they are so sneaky with a container of blueberries in the school room!
 Kitten fights. . .
 Hands up!
 I am a mighty hunter. . . .
 All that playing and growing up makes a kitten thirsty!
 When we got our box of cherries, we found a group of seven cherries all connected.
 The beach. . .

 We met some friends and so of course we had to cover them in sand.
 And make a flotilla.
 We were visited by some super heroes.  Peacock woman and Humming bird woman.
 We have lots of summer birthdays, so we celebrated them all together with our country.  On the fourth of July.
 Katie found a kitten in a watering can.
 Our pullets are starting to lay!!!  Oh, baby!
 Summer means that kids spend lots of time outside, and when they are ready to come in, they are usually REALLY DIRTY!!!  This was the tub after one of those days.
 Phil and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary.  We rented a houseboat in the Puget Sound and went hiking on Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic Mountain Range.

 We ran into a herd of these guys.
 And this lady came with in 5 feet of me.  She was in no hurry, and we sat there while she finished her snack and went on her way.
 When a chicken starts to lay, her eggs can be small and misshapen.  It is like it takes a few tries to get it right.  The egg on the left is a normal size egg, and the one on the right is a first try.
 We bought a truck.  It seats 6 and hauls a lot!  With the truck and the trailer we can haul just over 2 cords of wood.
Juniper (the rabbit) will be going to the county fair this week.  She will miss her buddy, Shadow.
More to come. . .
Enjoy the last lazy days of Summer!
