Up with Bunnies!

Ok, so if you don't keep up with Veggie Tales you won't get the reference.
Moving on.  When I say that I will keep you posted on something, apparently I mean in about a month or so I will post a blitz of photos.
So here are the long awaited photos of the baby bunnies. 
 Here they are about 10 days or so.
 Eyes just peaking open.
 about three weeks, maybe a little less--this was my favorite age!
 Super cute and cuddly.
 Starting to explore their environment.

 Trying out momma's food.  Oh, they are soooo cute!!!
 This is Ginger the Guinea Pig.  We babysat her for 10 days while her family went on vacation.
 Grass, Yummy!

 Exploring the outside world.  Oreo can be a hyper, out of control, crazy dog.  However, she has always been really calm around babies-chicks, people, rabbits, cats--anything baby she calms right down and is so sweet.
I will post more pictures--as soon as I take some more. Or maybe in three weeks or so. . .
The babies are 8 weeks old and now look like hopping cotton balls.  They have developed personalities and are really fun!
