So, now that it is well into October, let's review summer. I started this post in early September with hopes of getting a jump on the school year. Best laid plans, right?
Life continued to march on. Scratch that, not march, race on. Even so, I feel that we had a great start to the school year. No major hiccups with curriculum. It is always terrible when you start your school year and then find out the curriculum your chose for one child or another is just not going to work the way you hoped.
But I digress. We can talk about school later.
Let's relive the happy, carefree times of summer.
Like setting up a tent for Anne's 12th birthday.
Anne chose a really great cake this year. It is a double layer rice krispie cake with peanut butter cups for the filling and melted chocolate for frosting. Really rich and super yummy!
New Cousin came to visit! Baby Jude with cousin Katie.
Baby Jude with cousin Anne
We went to the Clackamas County Fair. Anne branched out a little in 4H this year. She tried her very first sewing project. She has helped with my quilts at home, but this was the first project that she completed from cutting to hand stitching the last stitches of the hem. I was so proud of her.
Apparently the judges thought she did a good job too. She won champion in her class. She also got bumped up a class. She entered as a level one and got bumped up to level 2 because of some of the skills she used to complete the apron.
Anne also showed her rabbits again. She was planning on showing 4, but one got a cut in his ear and that made him un-showable for this show. Another started to have a bad attitude the day he was supposed to go to the fair and got grounded. No grumpy bunnies at fair.
Anne won a blue ribbon for showmanship and a call back to the table to compete for grand champion in showmanship. She has never been called back before, so that was a win in her book.
Jude's sister and brother went to the fair with us.
Of course the weather was the hottest its was all summer, topping out over 100!
Cousins! James and Ryan. Notice the difference. I asked James and Ryan to smile for the camera and this is what they did. Compare to . . .
I asked Megan to smile for the camera.
Ryan and Dad doing more research on Alpacas.
Then finally got some relief from the heat when the sun when down at the rodeo.
Next day, back at the fair. . .Anne the two bunnies she brought up for conformation. She swept the class. Her jr won champion and her Sr. won reserve champion. She should be proud of her rabbits, she breed the junior herself.
This young lady was a helper. She stood behind Anne's rabbit to make sure he did not misbehave and jump off the table.
At some point Ryan grabbed my camera and we get to see the fair from the perspective of a 5 year old boy.
This is what said 5 year old looks like when he has spent hours at a rabbit show at the fair in 100 degree heat.
At one point in between trips to and from the fair, everyone went out to see what was ready to pick in the garden.
oops, this one was hiding!
Katie at the bull riding competition.
Last day at the fair.
More pictures from the 5 year old.
Yep, poop and cow bottoms that about sums up what entertains the mind of a 5 year old boy.
Hmm, they don't enjoy laundry this much at home. . . .
Katie has always wanted to be a cowgirl!
He got the camera again!
Back to life at home. Ryan was making designs with the peg board.
We found a spinning and knitting group in our town and Anne is learning how to spin all that rabbit fluff into yarn. She is really good at it. Mommy, not so much.
And Ryan and Katie (who share a birthday 4 years apart) turned another year older. Katie chose the dinner place (Dairy Queen) and Ryan chose the cake. Camo frosted cupcakes.
Katie turned 10 this year and had her first sleep over. Here is the cake for the sleep over.
No, Ryan did not get ahold of the camera again. So what, you ask, is this a picture of and why is it postable?
This is a picture of the bottom of the chicken coop. As you can see there are rocks underneath.
So of course this is the first place you would look for your broody chicken.
Yep, Cloud chose to lay a clutch of 13 eggs in the rocks under the chicken coop. By the we found her and figured out what was going on, we decided to let her do her thing. And low and behold, she hatched all 13 of them.
Now life as a baby chick is not an easy one, and at the time of posting we are down to 7 surviving chicks. While sad as the loss is, it has been an amazing journey to watch Cloud raise these chicks with very little help from us. (We do give her and the babies a place to sleep at night that is separate from the rest of the chickens. We lost 2 to being trampled before we figured that out)
Hazelnuts! Yippee! From our own tree!
Ryan got out the sidewalk chalk and wrote this on the garage door. Perhaps computer programming is in his future?
And finally, I am not sure why they were given plastic cups in Sunday School, but they have been a fun construction tool.
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