Show me. . .

Exodus 33:18 "Then Moses said,"Now show me your glory."

Now I know I am not on a mountain top in audible conversation with the Lord, while receiving direction on how to lead the Israelite people.  Instead I am in Oregon, on a rainy, slate grey morning that just saps all strength and energy from you.  I am charged with raising my family.  On mornings like this, all one wants to do is get back in bed and stay there.

(The picture above is NOT of this morning.  This was the sunset the other night)

So this morning when I read this verse I felt that today I echo Moses.  Show me your glory on a rainy day like today.

Show me your glory. . . 

Show me your Glory, Lord. . .
My little boy is officially growing up.  He lost his first tooth!

Show me your Glory. . .

Show me your Glory. . .

Throughout the Bible, God tells us to remember, to go back and remember what He has done and the promises that He has made.  Remember that He is faithful and infallible.  

So on grey days that really never seem to end, remember.  When your 6 and 7 year old are sniping (literally-with nerf guns) at each other and it is only 7:30 am.  When your almost 13 yr old is acting like she is 16 and your 10 year old has a sprained ankle.  Take the time to remember.  Look back at old photos, look back in a journal (not that I am much of a journal-er).  Find those well worn passages of comfort in your Bible.  You know the ones, those that your Bible just falls open to.

It is a grey day Lord, Show me your Glory.
