Easter 2012

Can you guess what happened this Easter Sunday?

Three guesses:  1)it doesn't happen here in Oregon at this time of year much.
                        2)When it does happen we don't know what to do (hence the squinting)
                        3)We hear reports of a glowing orb in other parts of the country, but rarely get to see it here

Answer: The sun came out!!!!  Normally we are dashing around in our Easter finest hopping mud puddles and juggling Bibles, children and umbrellas--and it is usually cold, so all those cute Easter dresses are covered by winter coats.

Don't they look handsome! 
Love the dandelions covering sister's face
He is so cute--he could get away with anything! (Believe me later when candy was involved--he tried)

For the first time in 10 years we could hold our Easter Egg hunt out doors!  We have never done that before and it was so much nicer that inside!
Megan finds a treasure!

Katie must have spotted something good!

Ryan showing Megan some really neat stuff he found in the lawn. . .

Then he found out that it tasted goooooood!
He stuffed his cheeks with chocolate, jelly beans, anything and everything.  This kid LOVES candy.  He has a gigantic sweet tooth.  We are going to have to watch this kid!

Shorts in April--this is unheard of!  What a treat to celebrate our salvation through the risen savior and blessed with a warm sunny day to boot!
