Little piggies

I would include a cute shot of my little one's piggies to go with this post, but the computer doesn't like me right now.  It will not let me upload pictures to the blog.  As soon as it likes me again we will have lots of pictures of summer fun.  Until then, you will have to imagine. . .

This Little Piggy

You all know the little rhyme:  This little piggy went to market.  This little piggy stayed home.  This little piggy had roast beef.  This little piggy had none.  And THISSSSSS little piggy when weeeeeee weeeeee weeeeee all the way home.

Well here is an interesting bit of trivia for you.  Did you know that the first little piggy, the one who went to the market?  He went to buy graham crackers.  According to Megan. 

"Now you know the rest of the story".
