So. . .4 months ago we moved to a beautiful piece of property in Estacada, OR. Yes, the same Estacada that has been in the news this last week with the raging forest fires. I know, in some parts of the country (say, the state below Oregon) fires are a regular occurrence and taken somewhat in stride. Oregon gets its fair share of fires as well, but more in Eastern and Central, not this side of Mt. Hood. So when this fire started after several days in the 90's with fierce hot dry wind, it went up like a tinder box (pardon the pun!).
Sunday morning at 1:30 am I sat up in bed and said, "Phil, I smell smoke!" We checked the house and then Phil went out to check the property. When he went outside, he could not see across the street. I meanwhile called the fire department, because with that much smoke, if it were not on our property it was near. Well, it was 10 miles away and the wind what blowing the smoke down the river and into our area. We are higher up than most of Estacada, so it was even worse down there!
These pictures were taken from inside because it was too smoky to outside, so Sunday we stayed home and watched movies in the living room.
There was ash all over our plants--hey natural pest deterrent!
By Wednesday the fire had moved with in 4 miles of our house and they were evacuating people within 2 miles of our house. We were never told to be ready, but we had a plan anyhow. Thanks to our friends who offered us a place to stay and those who offered to take our chickens and cats. By Thursday the fire line closest to us was contained and we are out of danger. Pray for those who are fighting the fire that there are no injuries and thankful that no buildings have been lost. It is not out yet, but it is starting to be contained. Bad news, more 90 degree weather is on the way. Good news, rain predicted for Wednesday.
Thank You to all the First Responders who have been working so hard to keep our town and friends safe!
Meanwhile, we were having a discussion about tornadoes. Ryan pipes up "I am a boynado!" Yes, my son, you are definitely a Boynado!
And here is our boynado happily scrubbing magic marker off the floor and table and chairs. He colored on them because he "didn't have any paper." Hence why we have ONLY Washable markers in our house!
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