In the past three months, LOTS has happened.
Katie had a gymnastics meet. It is so fun to watch how she improves from meet to meet. My photography is getting better little by little as well. I think I need a better camera at this point to get better gymnastics pictures.
It has been so fun to watch her go from looking like a little kid attempting to walk across the beam, to where she is now. Confident, and poised and very able to do her stunts.
We had a visit from the curler monster. This is what happens when you have three sisters!
The girls went to a princess tea party.
Snow White
Princess Aurora
Princess Belle
All our hens started laying.
This is our hen India's first egg. . .uummmm. . .first eggs are usually small and funny shaped as if the chickens need some practice at laying before they get big and egg shaped.
Ah Ha! It's a double yolker! India is an over achiever. She tends to lay a double yolker once a week.
Valentine's Day happened.
We hosted Katie's Jr. Lego League team at our house for 6 weeks while they learned about simple machines and team work as they built a library model with a working elevator. (More on that later)
A rainbow landed on our neighbors house. . .does that mean they have the pot of gold?
Spring sprung in early February (about the time the east coast was being pounded with snow). We thought it was just the regular February thaw that we get around here, but it seems to have decided to stay.
Gotcha! Oreo is getting bigger but is still all puppy. It is hard to get away with out puppy prints on your clothes.
Mud is so hard to resist. . .
Although Tig decided to retreat to the grapes--a safe distance away from the flying mud.
Oreo's favorite thing to do is "play" with the cats. The cats do not seem to agree. So they tend to play and then take to higher ground (like the roof) where they taunt the dog mercilessly!
Flying Puppy!
Flying boy. He went straight to the tub--I like that he put on his swim suit for the mud!
More to come later. . .
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