A few more things. . .

I've has some pictures cluttering up the desktop for a little while, and Hubby is starting to get pesky about me getting them on the blog.  So here are some bits and pieces of everyday life.
 Ryan really puts up with a lot from his sisters-curlers, dress-up, tea-parties.  But sometimes, he needs some daddy time and a chance to be all boy.  It also could be payback for all the tea-parties.
 I think Anne took this one.  Our chickens mostly free range, but I do like to keep them in the coop in the morning, so they will lay their eggs where I can find them--in the nesting boxes, not all over the yard.
 Anne was part of the Lego Robotics League this year and Katie participated in the Jr. Lego League.  As and aside, the whole Lego league experience was amazing--I would recommend it to anyone!
 In Jr. Lego League, the kids have to design a build with in certain parameters and them be able to explain what they did and why they did it, and how they worked together as a team to make it happen.
 The competition was held at the Evergreen Aviation Museum.
 Katie and her award.
 The charter school that we are associated with held a talent show and the orchestra that Anne plays with performed several pieces.
 Katie performed a gymnastics routine that she choreographed.
 Then Anne and Katie performed in the 3rd through 5th grade choir.  This is Anne and her friend Laura.

 This is Katie and her friend Paul playing a duet on the  xylophone.
 Anne sang a short solo, and was so poised and strong.
 Then we had a sweet little surprise.  The K-2 class was supposed to go up and sing.  Only these two sweeties showed up!  The other little girl stood there looking terrified.  Megan heard the music and belted out 2 whole songs all by herself.  No inhibitions what so ever.  But we all know she loves to sing!
 A few more chicks.

 Kids playing with Oreo.
 We call this the Nesting Condo.  It greatly improves the cardboard boxes they were in before.
 Ryan so carefully brushing Megan's hair.   It is so sweet when they do get along.

 Megan returning the favor.
 More chicks.  I think we have 13 at the moment.

 This is Tiger (a she).  She is Ryan's hen.  And she talks.  She says "NOOOOO"  when ever you reach for her eggs.  We now know that she has gone broody (she wants to hatch her eggs).  However, we took all her eggs, so she just sits there and squawks at us.  Had we known, we would have left her on her eggs and let her be a momma.   So now we are trying to break the broodiness.
 This is Bonnet, she is about 12 weeks old.  She is an Americauna.  She also is very curious!
 Her breed is noted for the puffy cheeks.  She was preforming for the camera.
 What a little ham, I mean pullet!
These beauties are our pullets (young chickens before they lay).  They are in the brooder house, where they learn to be big girls and while the rest of the flock gets used to the newbies.  We have in the back one Rhode Island Red, a White Rock, Two Americaunas, a Cuckoo Maran, a Barred Rock and a Black Sex link cockerel (oops, he will be sold to the feed store in a few weeks).
That's all for the bits and pieces.  And Phil, notice the nice uncluttered desktop!  Love ya!
