Cat Eggs????

We just had a cat have kittens, I am not sure what's up here, but perhaps this cat was feeling jealous of all the attention momma cat has been getting.   

In any case, this past weekend was glorious, 80 degrees clear blue skies. . . wonderful weather.  We were all outside basking in the sun.  Then today we were back to regular Oregon weather.  50's and rainy.  So the girls went out to collect eggs today and came running in. . .Mom bring your camera!  OK?
Coming up to the hen house you could hear that someone was getting chewed out by one of the chickens.  Take a peek in the door and look who has taken up residence in one of the nesting boxes!

 He looks rather proud of himself, don't you think?  Tiger loves the hen house, especially when it is rainy, as today.  He has never taken it upon himself to be so bold and get this comfortable.  And he does look comfortable, doesn't he?

 I guess Bernadette decided he wasn't leaving no matter what she said so she jumped in the box furthest from him and settled in to do her business of laying eggs.
 So we moved Tiger out of the box and this is what we found under him!  No joke!  Maybe he was baby sitting?  I wonder if there is a market for cat eggs.
 More irises! 

Look at this color!  There are so many different varieties that are all over the property, it is so fun to discover them as they pop out.
