A Star, The Moon, and Electric lights

Katie had her first Jr. Olympic Gymnastics meet.  We were sooooo proud of her.  I would have been nervous to the point of immobility.   She just walked out there, up to the apparatus or the floor and performed her heart out. Not one hint of fear or hesitation.  Mom took a deep breath when it was all over.
She came in 2nd on Beam, 3rd on Uneven bars and Third all around for her level!  Wow!
The lighting was terrible (it is a gymnasium after all).  So this is after the awards were over and we were rushing out to get Anne to her Nutcracker audition on the other side of town. 

 This is Katie and Kaitlyn, they have the same name, are on the same team, and compete at the same level.  They are closely matched.  Kaitlyn came in 2nd All around.  Way to go girls!

 A montage of her meet: sparkly hair bow, flower petals, keepsake necklace, and of course her award.  Check out that Bling!!
 Then we watched the lunar eclipse a week or so ago.  I took these pictures through our new telescope.  Our new big homeschool purchase this year!

 It was an amazing sight!  And though the pictures do not show it, we were able to see the craters on the moon and the scatter on the surface.
Fall has arrived early this year, and with it the apple picking.

 No, no one shot it off with an arrow!

 He was so proud of himself!
 Almost 100lbs of apples. . .mmmmmm Pies, muffins, dried apples, apple sauce, mmmmmm
 And what are we doing here?  We are assembling a model of a chicken.  Yes, Biology Class my friends!
 It was not that easy to put together.  In fact, the wish bone would never stay where it was supposed to!
 Megan has the eggs, the oviduct and the intestines.
(and she is so happy about it)
 The finished model--notice the wayward wish bone!
 We spent a beautiful fall day at our friend's Fall Festival.  We tried out archery. . .
 And sack races.  We had a beautiful day and a great time (even with the yellow jacket nest that was discovered.  Ryan and Daddy both got stung :-( ).
Powerade.  Phil lets the kids drink it when we go hiking.  He has explained to them that it replaces electrolytes in your body.
And Ryan insists that it is called "Electric lights"!
