3 months!

So three months flew by. . .Here is a massive photo blitz of the last three months.
Hang on to your hats folks!
 Ryan has discovered "big boy" legos and his engineering mind is in heaven.

 Katie and her team competed in their last meet of the season. 

 There were no other level 2's to compete against, so they were lumped in with the level 3's.  They won the meet.  To finish the season undefeated!
 And again, Katie and Kaitlyn went away well decorated.
 Pretty eggs! 
 This is where Comet waits for us every morning to help us with feeding the chickens.
 Oreo helping on the farm.
 Anne and Megan both participated in a talent fair.

 Katie had a piano lesson while they were setting up!
 Ryan stayed up all night one night developing a "rocket" out of a soda bottle.  Complete with rocket fuel.  Rocket fuel recipe: water, toothpaste, soap, and vinegar.
 Easter decorations.

 Katie had her  awards dinner for gymnastics and she is now officially a level 3!
 Weather turned nice and we bbq'ed  one Sunday.
 We also ate at the picnic table. . .
 Complete with chickens begging like dogs!
 Remember that tooth that was holding on by a thread?  Well, it is now gone, along with three other friends.  So for those who are keeping track: that's 4 teeth gone in 8 weeks!
 Anne showed Juniper.

 Look at the size of that other Angora!!!
 Anne and Juniper walked away with two blue ribbons and a Grand Champion!
 We finally broke down a bought cages to put the children in.   Oh, no?  That's right, we bought the new cage for this guy. . .
 This is Sir Firwood.  He is big and furry and 6 months old.  He is also super cute and friendly!
The flowers are beginning to bloom around here and I think that spring has arrived!

 Cousins came to visit.
 We have begun volunteering at Philip Foster Farm, a living history museum near our house.
 Ryan's favorite part is the free old fashioned soda you get at the end of giving a tour.
 Katie taught kids how to build a log cabin.

 Ryan, Grandpa and Cousin James worked on spraying the dirt from a root ball of a tree that fell.
Or otherwise known as playing fireman.

Spring weather brings gardening.  Phil had a whole parade of chickens in a line behind him as he rototilled. 
Kids raking manure with the help of the chickens.
Katie and Daddy shoveling manure.  Look at those muscles!  No wonder she is so good on bars!
 Oh, I just take the pictures around here.
Oh, and that nice spring weather. . .

More shape block creations.
Oma made matching jammie pants for the girls.  Which you would be able to see if it were not for the photobombing camo brother.
Typical morning around here.
And the Rhodies are blooming.

The irises are blooming too, but I haven't gotten a picture yet.
